Sunday, December 26, 2010

Second entry

Konnichiwa!! This is my second entry!! I’m doing it now because I need to finish this and the third one before I go away from this house. Go away?! Ha! Maybe I need to some air? Haha. Yes, indeed all I need to do when I’m in my aunt Ruby’s house is sit and read my book.

 And speaking of book, I bought another one and made a reservation in Booksale. Why I’m reading about Law! Yes, I also love the name, that’s why I’m reading it. Oh God, then I went to National Bookstore, I made a big mistake!!! If I hadn’t bought a book in Booksale, what I have now is that book!!! And also, there is this old man, he’s looking for a book also of Anne Rice, then I went beside him looking too, then he asked me if I read books. Then I said yes, and then he gave me advices on what books to read. And he also said that it’s good that I’m fond of reading because nowadays, children are fond of playing internet games (mind you, I’m playing too . . . haha)  and because of that, they doesn’t know the beauty of stories I think, sorta . . . I get what he’s trying to say but I just can’t explain it too well. Now back to that one, oh I’m proud of the judge, I forgot the name, but he told them (I won’t write their name . . . maybe if my tongue slip I’ll write it later without knowing it. Just go with the flow) that the case is not about them, because they keep on quarreling. Then the judge called them and told them something, it’s about two lawyers like them too, they always fight but in the end, they can’t . . . you know . . . um . . . they live together to make it short. See?! That’s what I’m telling myself, I’m sure they’ll be together too. That’s why I made a reservation in Booksale. LOL. Oh right, I’m caught up in my own world. (smiles)

God, if only I can write here what Vickie told him. Just by remembering it, I burst out laughing! Sound so . . .so . . . I don’t know. Oh, I know! I’m shy to write what did Solomon thought. Also that cockatoo, Solomon’s witness is a bird! Hell! Victoria thought. And when the case ended, the bird hopped on her shoulders and poop. Now, she’s very mad. I don’t want to talk about it now, especially here.

So, another topic. Oh yes, I’ve read it! For the third time! Right, maybe if he’s starting hearing something, he describes it as an irritating sound, that’s the time that he’ll use her scythe. Amazing!!! Terrific!! When I saw him, I’m grinning. I’m so lucky; father is not beside me, because I’m in his office that time. Wait, I read it last Thursday, the 23rd. Also, that’s the first time that I saw him really angry. Did Vincent notice his eyes? I guess so because he was shocked! And then, he slaughtered Humpty Dumpty. Great! I always want him to use her scythe. He’s cool but she’s cooler. (oh wait, I saw a book with a title of Pandora something, I want it!!!) And then the last page of that chapter was, she opened her eyes. I can’t wait to watch the second season; I’m hoping that they’re planning to make it. If not, I need a petition to give them. Haha)

Should I talk about Kuro? I don’t know. Maybe I should ask Naru, how can I ask her? She’s far away. Out of my reach.  I told her I like him and then she told me that she likes him too??!! What?! Naru, are you kidding me?! Our thoughts are always different. Sometimes, what she likes is what I dislike and what I like is the one that she doesn’t like. But we also agree on some other things. But when I don’t like it, I ALWAYS tell her that I HIGHLY DISAGREE. But her, I don’t know. She’s not telling me those words but she just doesn’t like it. That’s all. She’s weird. Correct. I know that side of her. She’s even telling me that she’s weird. Ha! Fine!

I can’t wait until I finish this. I’m gonna reid. Reid?! Sleazy . . . ha! I’m thinking about it. I like the following words but I’m not sure if you’ll like ‘em to. LOL.  I’m gonna read. But how can I finish this if my head is out of thoughts?! I need help. Naru!!! I need help. It’s already 11:10 in the evening. I’m not finished yet. Why, we arrived home almost 10. From church going to SM City. Hell, my brother’s not here. He’s out there. With that . . .that . . .whatever it is. Tomorrow, I’m sure he’ll be home! Ha! The worse thing we siblings do this year I think is that I helped him finish his drinks. Ha! When you saw him, he’s miserable. Four bottles and still not enough?! I got only one. Do you know what I’m talking about? It’s not about it. And the most unforgettable moment we siblings have is that, same month, same day, different year, DENGUE! I’m having this feeling that on 2011, my sister is next. Haha. Also same month and date? I hope not.

What else? Hmm . . . my words are very near to a thousand. Yes! A little bit more of talking and I’m done. But what else do I need to talk about this day? There’s nothing special that happened today. All I did in the morning is watch tv since I’m the only one left at home. They all went to her birthday in Pototan. It’s very difficult when I’m in this kind of situation. Grrr! Since I’m listening to music, would you mind if you join me? Although it’s not English. Of course, Naru knows what language it is. Haha. Maybe, this is already enough. I want to sleep. So this is all for now. Good night, pleasant dreams! :D

Saturday, December 25, 2010

First entry

I’m relieved!!  Finally!! I don’t know what’s troubling me, but I can feel that I’m at ease. Very . . . Indeed, fascinating.

Well, as I know, this is my first entry, so let me start it with a greeting. Merry Christmas! Although it’s kinda late, but it’s still 25. Why, I feel alive in this very moment. Many thoughts are rolling in my head that I don’t even know what to write. Ah, I know. As always, I can feel Christmas when I’m with my cousin and our other two friends. The moments we always share, we even went to malls when our birthdays come, we talk about strange things that sometimes no one understands us. Oh, I assure me, it’s fun, really. But what I really like most is that we sleep very, very late at night that its morning already. I shouldn’t talk about that four us; I should talk about what happened today. Ha! This is not my notebook anymore where I can write anything that enters my mind. (laughs)

But this is my first Christmas that we didn’t spend most of our time together since we reached high school. It’s sad, but I’m expecting it since uncle’s here.

We went to our grandmother’s house as always. Our families always gather there not only during Christmas but also during important occasions. Why, I couldn’t really understand why I spend so much time in reading my books this time. It’s just that I wanted to be alone and let my mind wonder. Haha. But honestly, I really wanted to see her.  And she’ll always tell her secrets especially her . . . oh, it’s a secret. Now, I forgot his name. Sshhh! Sometimes I prefer her to be my sister instead. Of course, because we share the same interests. Particularly . . . it’s just between the two of us. Oh, but when afternoon came, we went to their house. (Sighs) As always, she’s waiting. Why when she saw me, “Gie!!”  And she’ll give me her warm smile. Of course, I’ll hug her in return. Oh God, I really want her to be my sister. And then, we sat in the balcony. And we started talking. The very first thing she told me was about Ulquiorra. And then I burst out laughing, and she laughed too. Of course, she knows why I laughed, she always knows. And then about her! Oh my, I knew it, she likes them too!!! Ok, back to him. She asked me if I saw him die. Of course, I did. And I can’t get it out of my head, as a matter of fact. My very first question when he died is that, “Why did he die?!” Oh when I saw him reached out to her. It’s very . . . um . . . touching. Did he really gain a heart after all??? That’s the biggest question that nobody seems to know the answer, but I think, he really did gain . . . a little.

Ha! The conversation about them was cut off in an instant because we both know that we’ll continue it some time. Next week, perhaps. I’ll sleep in there! Haha. But two days before that is that I’ll be with my aunt first. I really do love her little house. It’s so quiet in there, unlike our house, very noisy that I hate it.

Back to us. We planned what we will do when her birthday comes. But again, I think that this is her first birthday since we reached high school that the four of us won’t go the mall. I really wonder why uncle is not letting her. Perhaps, he just wanted to spend time with his daughter. I know that, all fathers do. But it’s our yearly routine! Yearly? I like it. But it’s true. I remember last year, my cousin spent her time with us, in our house. I’m in there house, 26 or 27 I think. Then father fetch me and I ask her mom if she can go with me. Ha! She let her. And then every night, we watched movies, sleep late. Then, I brought her everywhere I go. We talked about every topic we knew. I’d really be thankful if that moment can be repeated. Mother is even arguing about our noise. And we open the windows and lean against it and read books. The air, cold. We always find our own worlds amusing. Because in there . . . I don’t know what word to use. Not perfect but rather, just okay for the two of us. Ha, am I caught up in the past? I should rather focus about the present. (smiles)

Uncle is planning to give her a birthday blast in their house! She doesn’t want it. She told me. Haha. Of course she doesn’t want it; we’re used of celebrating it outside. OUTSIDE. But it’s her father alright, but we . . . I accept that we can’t do it this year.  Please God, let us do it next year. Maybe, it’ll be our last time to be together, don’t you think too? Also, she wants to stay in our house. Haha. Of course, I want her to be here too. Right here, beside me. Because when she’s beside me, sure, I’m not alone. Ah! This whole thing is not what we planned!!! I can’t believe that uncle’s stay will be this long! I can’t help it, I’m frustrated, again. Oh no, I shouldn’t be frustrated, I should be happy, because it’s been years that uncle wasn’t able to be with her daughter during her day. Alright, we admit defeat. We sure can’t complain. Ha!

We are so caught up in our own conversation that mother told me it’s already time to go home. Home? We’re not heading there first but I need to say goodbye to her already and then we left. We went to Pototan first. Oh, I’ll tell you, the lights, magnificent. What I like most is the big Christmas tree. Oh, I like everything since brother is with me. Haha. We took a stroll around the plaza twice. We passed the fountain too. PURRFECT. And then we arrived home, already past 8.

Monday, December 20, 2010

nyahahaha,, finally, finished reading hourglass, as a matter of fact, it is interesting to me. . .well, i like to read stargazer too.. but hourglass is i think the 3rd book,. stargazer's the 2nd one. . .brrr... also,, my tedi gave me a book, entitled Wildwood Dancing. . .amazing.. very enchanted. . .but different from common fairy tales. . thanks tedi!! LOL
what else?? pfft,, we have little chances to be together again!!! cousin!!! T_T

Friday, December 17, 2010

nyahahaha.. yes finally!! i read it!!!! aha!!! purrfect!!!! yes!!!! it'll return!!! i'm sure of it,, someday and maybe. . .some time?? how i wish!! oh my G, spade!! you're such a crap!!! stupid!!! i hate you from the very core of my soul!!!!

anyway. . can't wait to read the next chap of my FAIRY TAIL!!! yes!! i wonder what will it be?? i miss it. . last saturday, there's no new chapter!!
what else?? really, i'm not in the mood for writing something in this minute!!! i hate it!!! I want to see my cousins!! yes, i need a sleep over maybe. . .nyahahahah.. and we'll sleep late watching tv. . but i guess not this time coz, , uhmm. . .it's a secret. .

I guess i was a shoulder to cry on?! NO! definitely not!!! a yes and a no i mean. . .ha! i don't know what to talk about!! i don't have something or anything in mind!! i guess i'm sleepy, so i'll sleep. . .(*snore).. nyahahaha
ja ne!! :D

Friday, December 10, 2010

LOVE!!! :D

ticket to love. . .
love is sweeter the second time around. . .
first love is the deepest cut. . .
char!!!! LOVE. . .nyahahahaha

i'm starting to love this,, experimentS*!!! nyahahaha :D and i wonder why i chose orange,, hahaha :D
yes, finally,, 1 follower!!! i have one!!! thanks alexa!!! :D

Thursday, December 9, 2010

oh life,, i'm not reading right now or should i say, i don't have any book to REID right now!!! i'm bored to death!! ha! but remembering. . D.d..daniel!! nyahahah,, really!! he'll kill Cam if something happens to Luce! But poor Daniel, Luce left him,, temporarily,, she'll search for her past memories,, (char!!haha)
oh, i'm really, super duper,, happy to say that TORMENT is better than Fallen,, but Fallen is great too, it's just that,, TORMENT is a lot. . .schweeter?? hahaha.. jackpot!! nyahaha :D LOL
oh that Miles,, why did he do it?! can't he understand that kissing her is DANGEROUS?! and worst, Daniel saw it, with his own two EYES!!! ( i h8 u Miles..T_T)
(sighs) i wish he's not in Passion too,, pwetty please Lauren!!! T_T.. just Daniel and Luce is enough.,. also,, Cam,, haha :D.. i can't get torment out of my head,, leaving me with something. . .interesting,, .hahaha :D
ja ne!!

Wednesday, December 8, 2010


oh my,, why is Luce questioning Daniel's LOVE???? why?! why?! why?! she is his past but she wants him to recognize the present and she's not sure if she's his future?! oh right, i can't explain it well but it's sort of something like that. nyahaha :D
but every time they're together, i don't understand myself,, it's just that,. it's super schweet!! nyahaha.. thanks to the author.. :D
also,, why is Steven's wings same with Cam?? is it because they're both demons?? (char!)

Steven: Right to my heart.
Francesca: As if you have one.
nyahahaha,, there is something in between!! but i'm not sure of it,, oh right, i'm crazy,, LOL :D
ja ne!!
domo!! :D

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

. . .

YES!! finally., i'm currently reading Lauren Kate's TORMENT,, haha :D.. i love it soo much,, nyahahaha :D
how i wish the third and the fourth book are already out,, but if that's the case. i can't study well coz i'll spend most of my time reading,, haha :D,, but it's fun,, especially. . .secret,, haha
how i wish too that he can tell her about her past without disappearing,, T_T,, i wonder what Passion and Rapture are about,, but i guess, it has something to do with the title??? nyahaha :D.. happy ending??
Luce,, please don't disappear,, and don't leave him ever again.. haha :D
pretty puh-lease!!
domo!! :D

Monday, December 6, 2010

oh me,, i'm soo happy,, i finished reading my two books just this weekend,, my very achievement this,um, time?? LOL.. i didn't touch my laptop for the whole weekend!! yey!! bravo!!! nyahaha
what else?? oh.. nyahaha. finally,, i think  i'm into books nah,, yey!!! haha :D (because of shiver,, the best book ever!!! -you overestimate my self control- i think it's overestimate,, :D)
anyway,, this is all for now,, i have things to do..
matta ne!! :D